

Wannabe Pro

Wannabe Pro?

I don’t think I’ll ever be here!

I suppose many a young cyclist is a wannabe pro. If I were eleven or twelve; and had just fallen in love with cycling; I might be one, myself.

This humorous article — meant to be tongue in cheek, I’m sure — isn’t precisely how I do things; and I definitely do not wait to come to a stop before I clip out! The track stand stop is a skill that I haven’t mastered; and I don’t really feel the need to learn it. Not yet, anyway. But maybe some day!

I’m not a wannabe pro for many reasons, as I’ve said before: I’m too old to even consider it; and I come with a list of medical issues. But suppose I were young; and had the ability, and the opportunity? Who knows what might come of it; and even if my name never became a household word, it might be fulfilling to take a shot at it.

On the other hand, pro cyclists don’t necessarily make the big bucks.

Gosh, who can live on ten bucks a day?

It’s a rough life; and however much my legs love to ride, am I up to all that stress?

To be honest, the answer is a resounding NO; and I’m much better off not taking the wannabe pro path. I’ll keep riding for the pleasure of it; and incidentally, there are still two days left for the Love to Ride April Challenge. If you want to join, it’s not too late; and next month is Bike Month!