
Not Such Bee’s Knees

Not Such Bee's Knees

bee's knees warmer leg saddle

It was not such bee’s knees today. I had a sore spot near my left knee; and a short, easy ride seemed like the prudent thing to do. Cycling is a non-impact activity, and in general is easy on the knees; but it can cause knee problems in some cases.

One is incorrect saddle height; so be sure yours is right for you.

Don’t neglect your saddle height

If your knees hurt in front from riding, your saddle is too low, and you need to raise it a bit; and if the back of your knees hurt, lower the saddle a little.

Another cause of knee discomfort while cycling is using too hard a gear for your current fitness level; or maybe pushing too hard and/or too long against the wind, even in an easier gear.

Maybe that’s why my knee was bothering me today. Day before yesterday, I got a pretty stiff headwind on the way home; and I might have been working a bit too hard for all those miles. At the same time, isn’t that how to get stronger?

Overnight it got cool enough that I wore leg warmers for this morning’s ride. According to some, it’s important to keep those knees warm; and if full-length leg warmers seem like a little too much, knee warmers might do the trick.

Keep those “hinges” warm!

But me being cheap, I think I’ll keep using the leg warmers because I already have them; and if I’m a bit too warm, that’s OK. I’d rather be a little too warm than too cold! That’s definitely not such bee’s knees!

Do whatever works best for you, though; and enjoy the ride. After all, we want to keep riding the bee’s knees!