

Mirror on the Bike

Mirror on the Bike

Mirror, mirror on the bike, can you show me what I like?

I use a product similar to this Evo Bar End Mirror on my road bike; and it seldom shows me anything. The problem with it is, I’m liable to knock it out of position every time I reach down for my water bottle. When I’m not using the Camel-Bak, that’s every few minutes; and it gets quite annoying to have to adjust the thing so often. I also noticed that, at certain times in the morning, that thing reflects strong sunshine right into my eyes! Otherwise, this gadget is quite useful. 


The mirror on the bike works much better for my hybrid, for which I use a MTB mirror. I don’t have to reach past it to grab the water bottle; and that makes a big difference! Being able to see what’s behind me also makes a big difference; especially if I have to ride alongside traffic.


Leaving looking glasses aside, I had occupational therapy again this morning. I might be able to “graduate” in a week! Then my mornings will be more free for riding; and that will be a relief. It won’t be long before the temperatures are 80 degrees at 5:00 am; so I’ll want to ride earlier. That’s especially true as I’m trying to extend my distance.

Today I rode 13.10 miles; and might have ridden a bit farther if I hadn’t thought I was running too low on water. As far as RAGBRAI prep goes, that’s nothing; but I know that it won’t help much if I try to ride too far, too soon. After all, I’ve only been back on the bike for a month; and my hand is not up to scratch yet. This ride, I was able to shift to the big ring; but veggie chopping later in the afternoon seems to have been overdoing it a bit.