

Do Not Shake

Do Not Shake

Do Not Shake is good advice for a hand not fully recovered from surgery.

Yesterday I was shaking water off of my hands, or something; and it did something weird to my left wrist, close to my scar. This morning I woke with the hand more swollen again; and the range of motion in the thumb is reduced. What a drag!

But I did the exercises that the occupational therapist gave me; and I still have the cold pack that was given to me right after surgery. Now and then I ice the hand for 10 minutes. I hope it’s better soon!

Since I can’t ride yet, I placed an online order with Whole Foods. I’ve noticed that I can’t carry bananas for any distance without bruising them badly; and a half-gallon of almond milk quickly becomes very heavy, even when both of my hands are sound.

It’s months since I’ve had frozen blueberries; and I got a bag of them. They’re great mixed with rolled oats; yogurt; and some nuts. I also got sourdough bread and baby carrots. It will be good when I can scrub and clean regular carrots again, because they’re cheaper!

I hope my hand is able to shake that carton of almond milk, though. I forgot all about that when I placed my order; and Do Not Shake doesn’t apply to nut milks. Quite the contrary, in fact. They need to be shaken well!

I’m still binge-watching YouTubes, because I can’t use my hand as much as I’d like. It’s chilly, too; and that makes it hard for me to move from in front of the heater. I guess I’m a delicate flower!