

June 2022


Cheated! I feel cheated. The forecast showed a high chance of showers and T-storms; and indeed, I heard thunder three times between waking and getting out of bed. I figured that heavy rain could begin at any moment; and if lightning was hanging around, I didn’t want to be riding on top of the levee. So I didn’t ride; and then nothing happened! Similarly, I decided not to ride to work today. I had to go to the drugstore this afternoon anyhow; and if there was heavy rain and street flooding, I didn’t want to be struggling through it on a bicycle. So guess what happened. Next to nothing! There was some thunder and drizzling during the afternoon; but not the downpour I was expecting. Before I left for work this morning, I set up the hybrid in the trainer; and after work I put in 20 minutes or so of pedaling. Of course a real ride is much better; but the sky looked stormy, and I decided not to try going out on a bicycle. There still could be rain tonight; and thanks to the “street improvement” work going on, getting to the bike path will mean wading through a quagmire. I don’t want to try to ride through all that mud and “river sand” for several reasons. One, the traction is poor. Two, my bicycle will get terribly mucked up; and three, the road bike has no fenders to keep dirty water and grit from getting tossed up the back of my jersey; and even into my hair!  For some reason my sense of time is off kilter this week; and yesterday I kept thinking that it was Thursday. Today, I had a hard time remembering that it isn’t Friday! Gee, I feel cheated.

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Outdoor Elliptical

Outdoor Elliptical? The StreetStrider amounts to an outdoor elliptical machine! Sometimes I see someone using one of these; and it looks like a vigorous workout. I do wonder whether it’s normal to swing widely back and forth while using this outdoor elliptical machine. I’m not at all sure I have the upper body/core strength to hold a straight line on a StreetStrider! Or maybe some folks simply enjoy swinging back and forth; but it makes me a bit nervous when I need to pass them while I’m on a bicycle. Will they sway right in front of me? The StreetStrider comes with a stand that allows for indoor use during foul weather; or, you can always pull on the poncho and go out, anyway.  And don’t forget the helmet! I don’t remember noticing whether the StreetStrider riders I’ve seen were wearing head protection; but I think it would be a good idea. No sense in risking a TBI! Protective pads for knees and elbows are a good idea, too. I don’t have the space to store a StreetStrider; and for me, this piece of equipment is very expensive. From what I hear, that’s unfortunately becoming the norm for many people! The outer side of the front-center tube looks like an odd place for a water-bottle holder. Is it awkward reaching for the water bottle? Or maybe you just learn how to do it — as I learned how to handle a water bottle on the road bike’s down tube. And after nine years’ riding, there are still many times when getting that bottle back into its cage takes some doing. Another think I’ve long noticed is that it’s harder at low velocity. I guess I don’t have the gyroscopic effect then!

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Happybuy Adult Trike

Happybuy Adult Trike A great alternative for folks who aren’t able to manage a two-wheeler. I bet this Happybuy Adult Trike can make many people very happy. Some folks who want to pedal have balance/dizziness issues; and aren’t able to manage a regular bicycle. For them, an adult tricycle can open up the world of cycling! You can choose from one or seven speeds; and if you have hills to deal with, extra gears are a great help. The same is true of persistent headwinds. The Happybuy Adult Trike has a large rear basket; and that’s great for bringing home groceries. If you want to go on pedaling expeditions, that basket can carry your supplies. My own tricycle was a single-speed. When I first got it, I didn’t expect to ride as much as I did; and additional gears didn’t occur to me. But I was hooked on riding before I made it the one mile home! Over the next two years or so I rode more and more; and eventually I had the trike fitted with a three-speed hub. I’m sure I couldn’t have gotten through my tricycle century without it! A big disadvantage to the tricycle was that I couldn’t bring it indoors. The rear wheels assembly was just a little too wide to get in through the door. In addition, that trike weighed about 55 pounds; and I have three steps up to my front door. Another thing about a tricycle: if you’ve been used to riding two wheels, remember NOT to lean a trike into a turn. The result quite likely won’t be so happy.

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Seeing Double

Seeing Double? Do you ever feel like you’re seeing double? It can seem like it when you see a tandem! I’ve never tried to ride a bicycle built for two; but it does look like fun. I’ll bet it takes a lot of adjustment, though, when you’re used to riding solo.  Which position on a tandem is more difficult — captain or stoker? Check here for advice for beginning riders. The mounting technique for the captain is definitely different from that used when starting a solo ride; but it makes sense. If the “cap” tried to get on by swinging the leg to the rear, the handlebars for the stoker would cause complications — possibly including a fall! The stoker climbs on in the usual mounting manner. After that, things might get tricky. The captain decides which foot will be the starting foot. I’m very accustomed to starting off right-footed; and if I were paired with a left-footed captain, it might be awkward. It also seems weird to me that the stoker has both feet on the pedals; and the captain is still holding up the tandem.  At stops, e.g. stop signs, the stoker stays on the saddle; and keeps the feet on the pedals; and then it’s easier for the riders to get started again. A very important job of the captain is to warn the stoker of any road hazards that lie ahead: potholes; bumps; debris in the road; and so on. For the stoker, especially, reflective gear is an excellent idea. As I said, have no experience at all with “seeing double”; but if I wanted to try, is it better to start as the stoker; or the captain? I’m sure of this much — the stoker has no right to expect the captain to do all the work.

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Wishful Thinking II

Wishful Thinking II One of these might satisfy my curiosity! Here’s  wishful thinking II for my wanting a power meter. More than once I was on the point of  buying one; and up came the need for expensive oral surgery! Sometimes I wonder how much wattage I’m able to generate; and a power meter would tell me that. But to be really  useful, a power meter must be properly set up; and that means doing an FTP test. This test doesn’t like fun; and in fact, by all accounts, it isn’t fun. Without it, however, a power meter is no more than “an expensive toy”. To be honest with myself, I don’t want to put myself through an FTP test; so I’ll skip the power meter. It’s not as though I’m in training for racing; and for some months I haven’t done any work to improve my force. Therefore ideas of my using a power meter are wishful thinking II. But I can still think about riding for the pleasure of it. Today’s ride wasn’t as hot as many a recent jaunt; but I turned back home some five miles sooner than I had planned. The sky wasn’t completely overcast, but the sun was covered; and something about the look of it made me decide to go home early. As I rode, I kept a wary eye on the eastern part of the sky. The clouds became darker and darker; and it even looked like it was raining somewhere. I got home shortly after 9:00 am; and about 20 minutes later I heard the first grumble of thunder. Shortly afterwards, I smelled rain. We’ve got a wet forecast for the coming week; and I hope I can still ride!

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Saturday Stuff

Saturday Stuff If only the salvage store would have some of this! This morning was the usual Saturday stuff: a trip to the salvage store. But here is what was unusual about today’s trip: I spent less than $30.00; and I didn’t bring home a big load of canned stuff. I think I can relax a bit about stocking up; and even supposing I don’t have to move soon, I simply need to use up some of the stuff that I already have. It’s threatening to crowd me out of here! I was glad to have a bit of a tailwind on the way home from the store; and today I left the trailer home, which meant a lighter load.  If the salvage store had that Lundberg Wild Blend, though, I think I’d want the trailer, so I could bring home several bags of it. Last Christmas my sister gave me a bag of the rice; and it’s wonderful. Not only is it delicious; it gives off a lovely aroma while cooking. Today I met some friends for lunch; and that was expensive! It more than made up for the lower total at the salvage store. The food was delicious; but pricey. It’s lucky I recently made a little extra cash from cat-sitting; but this venue can’t be regular Saturday stuff. It began to drizzle while I was walking home from the restaurant. I’m glad it didn’t pour; and tomorrow’s biggest chance for T-storms is late afternoon. Maybe my ride will stay dry; but it sure will be hot! This is the time of year when I have to start my Sunday long rides by 6:00 am — supposing I can drag myself out of bed early enough. But if I begin the ride later, I get too hot! This blog/page may contain affiliate links. “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.” ABOUT ME I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story. I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling! Website designed by Cecile Levert © This website is the property of its author. DISCLAIMER I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.   FRESH FROM MY JOURNAL ✍? Cold Turkey? November 22, 2024 Thermal Shock November 21, 2024 Cold Shock November 20, 2024 Front? November 19, 2024 Load More TRANSLATOR

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Let It Snow

Let It Snow Can you believe that I am saying, Let it snow? It’s so hot that I almost wish it would snow; and cool us off. Then maybe we can go for a ride on a fat-tire bike; and have fun making tracks. This SAIGULA Fat-Tire bicycle’s four-inch tires are great for snow — or, when it’s as hot as this, try it on the beach! Right now a heat advisory is in effect; and there’s an excessive heat warning posted for tomorrow. They’re saying to stay indoors in the air conditioning if at all possible. Somebody tell me how I’m supposed to avoid going out into such an oven. I have to go to work; and of course I have to get back home. To complicate matters, I need to visit the bank; and the bank must be about a mile and a half from work. Maybe I’ll go to the bank in the morning, before the worst of the heat sets in; and maybe I’ll walk instead of using a bicycle. That’s a bit of a toss-up. Riding creates a certain amount of breeze; but of course that stops the moment I stop riding. At the same time, walking will be very hot work tomorrow! So, should I let it snow? That would relieve the heat; but snowy weather brings its own problems: icy surfaces; multiple layers to wear; and that danged runny nose!  

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It’s Official

It’s Official! It’s official! Summer has begun; at least, according to the calendar. But things don’t always go according to our way of thinking of time. It feels like the dog days already; and has for a couple of weeks. Last week I was on vacation; and didn’t get in the extra mileage that I wanted to.  Of course when I’m on vacation I want (and need!) to sleep a little later; and when I don’t start a ride until 8:00 am these days, it’s already well into the 80s. In fact, overnight it gets little or none below 80. The cat-sitting was a complication. I didn’t want to leave the poor kitty hungry until late morning; and when I went to feed him in the evening, the heat index was often 100+! I wonder what the temperature in France is now. The Tour de France starts in a few days; and don’t stages typically begin around 1:00 pm? Thinking of riding in that heat makes me wilt! How do you keep cool during hot rides? The answer for me is that I don’t! Workday mornings I typically ride before sunup; but Sunday long rides are another story. Even if I start at 6:00 am, it’s very hot by the time I put in 35-40 miles; and I’m considering starting at 5:30 am! Unfortunately that means getting even less sleep; and it makes me long for Fall, when it might not be so sweltering. But it’s Summer now; it’s official.

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Like an Arrow

Like an Arrow I wish I could ride this fast! Time flies like an arrow, so they say. Last week certainly flew past; and I feel like I got nothing done. I was badly distracted by the prospect of having to move; and soon. Long story short, that’s on hold for at least a few days. I hope it can stay on hold for at least six more months. But the upshot was that I didn’t get to work nearly as much on my dot net site as I had planned; and today I had to go back to work. Oh, how I want to retire! I also didn’t get any too much time to relax and rest; and by Sunday night I was exhausted. Yesterday morning I didn’t even try to ride because I was so worn out. I won’t be able to fly like an arrow down the bike path if I’m tired all the time. The unrelenting heat doesn’t help matters. Summer has barely begun; and it feels like the dog days. The overnight low temperature is hovering at around 80 degrees! It isn’t fun riding home from work in this heat; and I’m glad I have less than three miles to go. Some people have a much farther commute; and I don’t know how they manage it. If I had to ride far to and from  work, how would I fill my Camel-Bak before the trip home? I guess all I could do is fill it at home in the morning; and hope it doesn’t leak during the day if it doesn’t stay upright. Keep hydrated!

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