
Wishful Thinking II

Wishful Thinking II

Gen 3 Stages Meter spokeasy bike store shop

One of these might satisfy my curiosity!

Here’s  wishful thinking II for my wanting a power meter. More than once I was on the point of  buying one; and up came the need for expensive oral surgery!

Sometimes I wonder how much wattage I’m able to generate; and a power meter would tell me that. But to be really  useful, a power meter must be properly set up; and that means doing an FTP test.

This test doesn’t like fun; and in fact, by all accounts, it isn’t fun. Without it, however, a power meter is no more than “an expensive toy”. To be honest with myself, I don’t want to put myself through an FTP test; so I’ll skip the power meter.

It’s not as though I’m in training for racing; and for some months I haven’t done any work to improve my force. Therefore ideas of my using a power meter are wishful thinking II.

But I can still think about riding for the pleasure of it. Today’s ride wasn’t as hot as many a recent jaunt; but I turned back home some five miles sooner than I had planned.

The sky wasn’t completely overcast, but the sun was covered; and something about the look of it made me decide to go home early. As I rode, I kept a wary eye on the eastern part of the sky.

The clouds became darker and darker; and it even looked like it was raining somewhere. I got home shortly after 9:00 am; and about 20 minutes later I heard the first grumble of thunder. Shortly afterwards, I smelled rain.

We’ve got a wet forecast for the coming week; and I hope I can still ride!