

You Call THIS Winter??


Can you call this WINTER? Here it is, December 28. Winter began, officially, a week ago.

But does it feel like Winter? Far from it! In fact, it\’s almost hot. The temperature now, at 1:45 pm, is in the high 70s. I\’m glad it\’s  overcast, or it would feel much hotter. But is it going to rain?

I rode to the salvage store this morning, and was rather worried that it might pour. The sky was heavily overcast at the time, and the forecast said there was a 30% chance of showers.

It didn\’t rain during my trip to the store, but there\’s been a  bit of drizzle since then. Is it a warm-up to the downpour?

For tomorrow, it\’s a flip of the coin: 50% chance of rain. I need to go to the supermarket to buy plain yogurt, which I forgot to look for today; and I need to get in a jaunt of 20 miles or so. It will be a lot more pleasant if it isn\’t raining.

Tomorrow night a cold front is expected to come through, and then the temperature will drop to about 48. From 78 down to 48 is quite a drastic change. We don\’t seem to get the chance to get used to cold weather before it heats up again. It makes me think that Summer is much easier to deal with, because we\’ll know what to expect: hot and humid.

As for right now, well, do you call this WINTER?