


\"yesOh, yes; it was good today.

\”Ja\”, pronounced \”yah\”, is German for \”Yes\”. And today\’s ride got lucky.

The sun almost came out at one point; but the overcast remained. The rain held off, however, which makes me happy. When it\’s overcast on a hot day, of course it keeps me cooler. I don\’t need quite as much water or electrolyte drink.

The wind got as strong as 10 mph; and, wouldn\’t you know, was against me on the way back home. In spite of that, my average speed was slightly higher than that of last Sunday\’s long ride.

When I got the headwind, I stayed on the small ring and used a high cadence. I think I need more such low gear/high cadence work. It makes me feel a bit short of breath; and it also makes my legs feel funny. I\’ve developed the habit of doing much of my riding on the big ring, and maybe my slow-twitch muscle fibers have gotten shortchanged.

Mileage, 51.60! It was tiring when I had the headwind; but I\’m not exhausted. Things seem to bode well for Tour de Cure!