


\"wishes\”If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride…\” Or maybe I just need a wishing well.

Sometimes I think that, if I could have only one wish granted, it would be fluency in any language at will. I recently came across the following book title: \”Boyacá en bicicleta\”. \”Boyaca on Bicycle\”.

The book was primarily illustrations; and seemed to be about the people of Boyaca riding bicylces, rather than an account of a bicycle tour in the place. Since I know only a little Spanish, I couldn\’t understand much of the text.

Naturally I have other wishes; or maybe I should call them pipe dreams. How about qualifying for PBP? That\’s about the pipe-iest dreaming I can think of, aside from riding in a Grand Tour race.

Another dream is participation in RAGBRAI! The videos I\’ve watched about RAGBRAI make it sound like a wonderful ride. Or at least I can dream of doing another century.

I can daydream about doing some of Adventure Cycling\’s epic tours. IF I can manage to save the necessary funds; and can amass the equipment needed; and can get to the starting point to begin with … that might have to remain a dream. But don\’t they say, keep something to dream on?