

What’s in My Panniers?

What's in my Panniers?

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What’s in my panniers when I get home from the salvage store? It can be quite a lot!

Today’s trip was quite productive. As usual, I headed straight for the grab-bag bins; and this morning I hit the jackpot there! I got seven snack-sized packs of smoked roasted almonds; three chocolate-coated toffee bars that normally cost $1.69 apiece; and more. Twenty items for three bucks! Thus the savings on those candy bars alone more than paid for the other items. In fact, sometimes the savings on grab-bag items cover everything else I buy on that trip!

zone perfect bar spokeasy grocery store shop what's in my pannier blog post
More ride food!

Elsewhere in the store, I found Zone Perfect bars, in a Salted Caramel Brownie flavor. Lately I haven’t found much at the salvage store that’s suitable on-bike food; so I pounced on those things and got six. I’ll try one for tomorrow’s ride!

I also found a few Vital Performance collagen bars; and some Biosteel. Otherwise my haul today was rather mundane. In fact, I’m trying not to bring home too much!

During the pandemic I fell into the habit of stocking up as much as I could, while I could. From what I heard in the news, stay-at-home orders might be handed out at any time; and if it came to that, I wanted to have enough supplies to tide me over.

Now I’ve got the problem of using up all that stuff! So what’s in my panniers? For now, I’d better try to keep it to a minimum?