

What Does It Mean?

\"whatWhat does it mean when you dream certain things? It is often said that dreams are trying to tell you something.

Of late I\’ve been dreaming more often about riding a bicycle. At least twice I\’ve dreamed that I was suddenly able, with no effort, to bunny-hop my bike! In actuality, I think I\’d need a powerful lucky charm to help me with that little trick.

After ten and a half years and more than 49,000 miles, it should come as no surprise that I sometimes dream about cycling. But dreaming about bunny-hopping? Is my subconscious telling me to get to work and learn how to do it?

I really don\’t know. I personally have never attached much, if any, meaning to my dreams. Some believe that dreams are the subconscious trying to send a message, or even that dreams are prophecy.

That could be true. The story goes that the mother of a prospective passenger on the Titanic dreamed three nights in a row that the ship would sink in the middle of the ocean. She told her son about it, and convinced him to cancel his booking. As it turned out, Mom was right.

Then there have been times when I woke up from a dream and wondered, \”What made me dream THAT?!\” So what does it mean when I dream really weird stuff?