
What a Day!

\"whatWhat a day this has been.

Had I thought to check the weather online before leaving for work this morning, I might have stayed home.

It was about 7:00 when I started out, and already raining. I wore my poncho and used my umbrella as well. I wasn\’t much more than halfway to work when it started to rain harder. I heard what sounded like transformers blowing.

Fortunately I got to work, and indoors, before things got really bad. It became quite dark, it poured like crazy, there was close lighting — even a tornado warning!

My brain felt like mush. Maybe because my legs don\’t feel \”there\”, either. When I woke at 4:30 am, it was raining hard. I decided to pedal in the trainer for a while so I\’d get at least some exercise. That was an endless 20 minutes!

I work on a university campus and when, at about 10:20 am, we got an online message that the campus was closing effective immediately, I was only too glad to leave. I had to do some wading; some of the streets around here turn into lakes during a heavy rain. Cars parked along tbese streets get flooded. I\’m glad I don\’t have to worry about that.

We could still get more bad weather, and in fact I hear thunder right now. Then there\’s that system out in the Gulf. We\’re already under a storm surge watch, and if it heads our way we can be in for torrential rain in the next few days. I looks like I won\’t get in much riding, and I\’d better keep poncho and umbrella handy!

What a day we\’ve had; and probably more to come. What a drag!