

Wet Start

Wet Start

I got a wet start to my weekend.

About 45 minutes before I left work, I looked outside; and the sky was full of a looming, black cloud. Oh, great, I thought: will I have to ride home through a downpour?

As it turned out, not really. When I left work, it was raining; but not hard. All the same, it was more than a faint drizzle; and I put on the poncho. The thunder wasn’t very close; but it was quite continuous. As I was unlocking my bicycle from the rack, I saw one or two flashes of lightning that were unnervingly bright. Surprisingly, they weren’t especially close.

I wanted to take my usual route home, and get in a few miles. Last night I forgot to set my alarm; and I didn’t wake up until too late to go for riding. But the weather as I left work made me decide for the shorter route home. There was no telling how quickly really nasty weather might arrive! 

I guess the kind of rain I got was what a bicycle trunk is meant for. When I have to ride through a heavy downpour, those zippers leak. I never know when it might happen; so I put everything in plastic bags. 

I hope I don’t get a wet start tomorrow. Running errands isn’t fun when it’s pouring. It looks like T-storms won’t threaten until late morning; so maybe I’ll be OK!