

Weighty Matters Never Cease

\"weightyWeighty matters never cease, do they? Many of us, cyclist or not,  are constantly concerned about the numbers we see on that scale. Racing cyclists in training have to keep an eye on making weight.

Today I rode over to the salvage store, dragging the trailer along. On the way to the store, I had a headwind of 8-9 mph, making the going feel pretty tough. I got to thinking about how much that trailer weighs.

After I was back home, I did the weigh-with-it/weigh-without-it test. That trailer is a 20-pounder! No wonder I feel so slow when I\’m pulling it, on top of pedaling a bike that probably weighs 35 pounds or so.

Payoff came on the way back home from the store when, for a change, I had a TAILwind. Clouds were starting to build up, and the sun was dodging in and out; but rain seems to be a way off yet.

Curiosity can get the better of me when I\’m in the salvage store. I found a liquid seasoning called Maggi Jugo®; a 3.38 oz bottle for 66¢. I got some to try. The grab-bag bins let me get plenty (read: too many!) candy bars and other snacks. I found colby cheese, a one-pound block for $2.56. Carrots, 50¢ a pound!

I got cheap hot dogs to use in tikka masala; and bologna to use in sandwiches. Which reminds me, I have to go wash some dishes. I also must cook brown rice, then wash the pot so I can make the hot dog tikka masala. If weighty matters never cease, neither does kitchen duty!