Sometimes I find myself waxing poetic. Of course I\’ll never hold a candle to Longfellow, or Milton, or Poe. All the same, I occasionally get into the mood to try my hand, or rather my keyboard, at a bit of haiku. So here\’s a bicycle haiku:
Bicycle wobbles
Rider does not go bonkers
Bicycle stays up
Pretty corny, huh? Years ago, when I had my cats, I thought up a cat haiku:
Today kitty purrs
Yesterday she spat at me
Kitty is fickle
As long as you aren\’t focusing on a race, or trying to ride alongside traffic and stay in one piece, a nice, long bicycle ride seems like a good opportunity to reflect on life, your philosophy of cycling, nature, or whatever. The genesis of a poem, or blog, or your next letter to a friend, might come up out of nowhere. Maybe you\’ll see something that will inspire you: a rabbit, a blue heron in flight, the moon setting over a river. Then you\’ll find yourself waxing poetic.
Use all your senses
Learn the beauty of nature
Compose a haiku