

Watch and Wait


Watch and wait is all I can do now. I have lots of canned goods; bottled water; and paper goods. I hope we don\’t have much of a power outage, but at least some time without \”juice\” is 99% certain.

I suppose the hurricane hunters are being kept busy. They\’ve got two storms to monitor! I don\’t envy the pilots of hurricane hunter planes the job.

Marco is still heading right for us. So far he\’s a minimal hurricane, which is good. At 13 mph, he\’s moving fairly fast. Tropical storm or even hurricane conditions could set in as early as tomorrow; apparently Marco is moving faster than expected.

It\’s watch and wait for tomorrow\’s ride, too. I\’ll see what the weather is like early in the morning. If it\’s calm enough, maybe I\’ll dare a short ride.

But not on top of the levee! I\’ll go to the park to ride; and I\’ll use the hybrid, which has fenders. Staying in the park to ride lets me stay fairly close to home. If the weather starts to worsen, I won\’t be six miles from shelter.

Even riding in the park is a gamble when a hurricane is snooping around. If the wind suddenly rises from, say, 10 mph to 70 mph, I\’ll be in big trouble.

There I go pipe-dreaming again. I know that it\’s safer to stay home when a hurricane is approaching. Time to resign myself to riding indoors.