


\"2020The upcoming New Year will be one for vision, won\’t it? After all, it\’s 2020, right?

I don\’t have 20/20 vision any more, but I can still do without glasses most of the time. Besides, we don\’t really need glasses to conjure up a vision of the next year\’s cycling goals, do we?

Naturally I hope to do better than I did this past year. The hamstring injury cost me several hundred miles. Then there was the work I did to improve my left-foot pedal stroke; that meant shorter, easier rides for some weeks. Indeed, I\’m not really finished with that work. I\’ve still got to watch that left ankle!

How about my goals for the 2020 cycling year? Improve my cruising pace? That\’s been on on my goal list year after year, and I\’ve still not accomplished it. I guess I\’m too lazy. Same thing goes for riding another century.

Another good goal would be to get my diet and weight back under control. Several years ago I actually consulted a sports nutritionist, who advised a diet based on lean meats and lots of veggies.

Here\’s the rub: I don\’t like handling raw meat; and don\’t have a lot of time for cooking if I\’m to keep this web site and blogging going. I need to conjure up a vision of how I can juggle all that!