
View From the Inside


Sometimes I want to get a view from the inside, but that isn\’t always easy to do.

I watch video clips of the Tour de France; I see the pictures; and I wonder, what is it really like to be a pro cyclist? I\’ll never know for sure; and for a fact, most of us won\’t. But to get some idea, let\’s ask some pros!

I wonder, if I were a pro cyclist, what I would like best about it. My early love for feeling my legs in motion? I could see new places; or might I become an adrenaline junkie, hooked on the excitement of racing? How about getting paid to do something I love; namely, ride my bicycle?

What is the worst thing about being a pro cyclist? If I were a pro, training and racing in foul weather would be high on my list, as would crashing. All that traveling might easily become tedious; how do pro cyclists combat jet lag? We hear the stories of fans at Grand Tour races causing havoc. I\’m sure it\’s maddening for the riders to have to get past spectators who are in the road!

A pro cyclist must keep close tabs on the diet; and that would also become quite burdensome. I hope I\’d be on a team that has its own chef; preferably one who\’s well-versed in The Feed Zone! It would be great if I could sample more of those dishes without having to make them. Or to have an old favorite, Simple Biryani, waiting for me after a training ride.

I\’ll never get the view from the inside, though. I\’ll have to go on looking in from the outside.