

Verbal Gymnastics

Verbal Gymnastics

Verbal gymnastics are a lot of fun; and you don’t need any space-hogging aparatus, either.

The English language is great for this, thanks to the abundant homophones available. Several years ago, I was playing around with this; and wrote down the definitions I came up with.

Reasonable fee: fair fare

Trouble with window glass: pane pain

Receive word on the spot: hear here

Jackrabbit’s coat: hare hair

Entire excavation: whole hole

Best a red veggie: beat beet

Smokey without fur: bare bear

The gang’s yonder: they’re there

This isn’t a complete list; but I think I’ll save some for later. After all, there are days when I can’t think of a blog subject; and it’s nice to be able to fall back on this stuff.

Today was a rather odd day. I didn’t get up until about eight o’clock; and this morning I didn’t go out on the road bike. Not because of occupational therapy — in fact, last week I was “graduated”; but I’m continuing the exercises.

But I needed to run some errands. Getting ready to move means clearing out stuff; and burnt-out compact fluorescent light bulbs had piled up for a couple of years. So I took them to a drop-off place; then took a few items to the Salvation Army. After a stop at the drug store for a soda and a bag of chips, I headed home.

First I had something to eat; then spent a couple of hours packing. That’s quite tiring, I can tell you! And, I’m running short of boxes.

Finally, about 3:45 pm, I went out on the road bike. No; not a fancy electric bike. I’m not ready for that yet; but I was ready for a ride. The sky was getting cloudier; and the forecast for tomorrow is not favorable. Heavy rain is predicted; and it’s not fun to ride when it’s pouring so hard that I can hardly see. 

Hmm. Pour — pore — maybe it’s time for some more verbal gymnastics.