

Variation Number X

\"variationI made variation number X on chicken tikka masala last week. It makes me wonder what I\’ll come up with next. And what would the authors of The Feed Zone Cookbook think?

I\’ve used hot dogs for tikka masala many a time. I\’ve used black beans, and I\’ve tried it with garbanzos. The cauliflower curry I made is actually another variation on the tikka masala recipe.

If you\’re keen on trying it, here\’s how I made it.

For the marinade, I mixed 1 cup plain, low-fat yogurt; 1 cup tomato sauce; 1 tablespoon curry powder; and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

I had half a cauliflower that needed to be used. I cut it into small pieces; about 2 1/2 cups. I also had part of a red onion. It made about 1 cup chopped. I minced a clove of garlic, and a small (about 6\” long) carrot, sliced very thinly. I stirred all the veggies into the marinade, and let it sit in the fridge one hour.

Then I put the pot over medium heat and let the mixture get bubbly, stirring now and then. I turned the heat down to a simmer, and let the stuff cook until the cauliflower was crisp-tender, about 8-10 minutes. Voila!

A cupful of cauliflower curry over brown rice made a good supper. I bet it would be good with a little cheese on top, too. I froze what I didn\’t eat that evening, and already my brain was mulling over Variation Number X + 1. Potatoes?