

Vacation Time!

\"vacationAh-h-h, vacation time!

I don\’t have a hammock to lounge around in, and I probably couldn\’t stay still for long enough to make a hammock worthwhile. I can\’t work on a laptop that way, or ride a bicycle.

Alas, my week of vacation time is already half over! But I\’ve still got half a week left.

Not having to get to work for 8:00 am makes it possible to be more leisurely about my morning ride, and going to feed my friends\’ cat afterwards. I can actually spend some time with the cat, instead of feeding him and rushing off to work.

It\’s possible to do some things that normally are hard to fit in, such as riding over to Lowe\’s to drop off some dead CFL bulbs. I need to buy some more while I\’m at it.

I can do more cooking when I\’m home all day. When I get home from work, I don\’t feel like doing a lot of food preparation. Now I have time for it, and for the dish- and pot-washing that is an inevitable part of making meals at home.

This morning I tried the Clif Shot Energy Gel that I bought yesterday. It was a new flavor, Boston Cream Pie. Pretty good!

I\’m starting to get hungry. Lunch time!