
Letting Go

\"lettingLetting go is hard.

I know what this article means. When the day came that I decided it was time to let my adult tricycle go, I certainly felt some pangs.

I started riding with a trike because I had some balance/dizziness issues at the time. I didn\’t dare try to ride a bicycle for fear I\’d turn dizzy and fall right in front of a car.

So, in November 2009 I got an adult trike. Fast-forward to Spring 2012. I had put thousands of miles on that tricycle, including a century. The dizziness wasn\’t giving me nearly as much trouble, and for all I know it was because of all that vigorous riding. I got up the gumption to buy a hybrid bicycle.

It wasn\’t the easiest thing to adjust to two wheels; I wish I\’d known this when I started. I might even have been able to skip the \”glide biking\” part! But I did learn to ride a BI-cycle, and by early 2013 had my mind on road bikes. April 2013: I became a roadie!

Months earlier, after a tune-up at the bike shop, the the shop personnel warned me that the trike was \”on its last legs\”. I kept it for grocery runs, but one day I finally tried a grocery run using the hybrid and my panniers. It went fine, and that was when I decided it was time to let the tricycle go.

Long story short, I rode Valkyrie over to a shop that refurbished and sold second-hand bikes. While I was there, a man arrived who had been coming for a while looking for a trike, as his had been stolen. So Valkyrie got a new home! It made letting go a little bit easier.