Vacation journal day 5, already! Time flies when you\’re having fun, right?
I decided to skip the road bike (yes, again!) and head to Whole Foods. I wanted to get more sunblock well before I used up my current supply. To my delight, it was on sale!
While I was at Whole Foods anyway, I got some more whey protein powder. At the checkout, I did what we\’re always being admonished against: I made an impulse purchase. I spied AlterEco 70% cacao chocolate bars, and I got one in Burnt Caramel. It\’s scrumptious! I must try some of the other flavors, too. I bet the Brown Butter flavor is good. Just don\’t let me get confused and try to eat my Chamois Butt\’r!
After I took my mini-load home from Whole Foods, I gathered the glass jars I saved since the COVID-19 shut-down began. Then I rode to a glass drop-off, only to find out that the only day the place is staffed is on Wednesday! I ended up putting all those jars in the trash. Sad, but next week I\’ll be back at work.
I thought I might take a spin on the road bike in the early evening. Instead, I got absorbed in some heavy editing of my web site\’s pages! Gee, time flies when you\’re having fun.
So there it it, Vacation Journal Day 5. The problem with taking a week off is this: one week seems much too short; but two weeks seems too long!