

UV Sleeves


These SHINYMOD UV Sleeves help you to keep your arms cool while preventing sunburn; and without messy sunblock. They also help keep you warm in cold weather! SHINYMOD sleeves block over 99% of harmful sun rays. As an added bonus, they help prevent insect bites. Available in packs of one or three pairs.

I tried a pair of sun sleeves (although not SHINYMOD UV Sleeves), and unfortunately they\’re now so stretched out that they can\’t stay in place! They definitely do keep my arms cooler on a hot day; and I\’m considering buying some more before the worst of the heat gets here. Yes, those sleeves feel warm when you first put them on for a hot-day ride; but after you get moving it\’s not long before, um, sweat starts to let those sun sleeves cool your arms. You can even splash on a little water to help with the cooling; convection cooling, I think it\’s called.

I\’m glad the weekend weather outlook is pretty good. I\’m not exactly looking forward to starting long Sunday rides when it\’s already 80 degrees at 6 am!