

Tuesday Cleanup


The post-storm Tuesday cleanup was, I believe, the day we started a burn pile. Others in the neighborhood were burning storm rubble, too.

We had some helpers for that. Several neighbors were there; and even some people who had come down from Indiana to help with the disaster recovery. We got the fire going; and moved branches and logs to it. It was hard work because of the heat and humidity; and enough to raise anyone\’s blood pressure.

The heat was hard on B\’s dog, too. P isn\’t a purebred, we don\’t think; but she does look a lot like a Maltese. Poor P kept panting like crazy; and B thought that P was getting too hot. That evening, B decided to try to clip P\’s hair.

We still had no power, except what we could get from a generator; and besides, B didn\’t want to get all that hair all over everything. So we went outdoors for the barbering job.

A baby squirrel showed up; and B got busy rescuing it. It didn\’t seem to be at all afraid of us; and that made me uneasy. It isn\’t normal for a wild animal to behave like that. Or was the baby squirrel too young to be afraid of humans?

B got the squirrel into a cat carrier; and the next day took it to some neighbors. Their daughters once had a pet squirrel, so they knew about caring for one. They were discussing taking the squirrel to a veterinarian who does wild animal rehabilitation.

So Tuesday cleanup got pretty interesting. I hope that squirrel can be released back into the wild.

We still had plenty of work to do; and when you\’re overwhelmed by something like hurricane wreckage, it\’s natural to want to get it all done ASAP. But take it in stages!