
Topsy Turvy


Things are really topsy turvy!

COVID-19 cases in my city spiked sharply since last week; and we\’re back in \”modified Phase 1\”. It can look like the situation is improving, and then we get knocked back to square one.

The weather is topsy turvy, too. Yesterday at 5 am, it was 60 degrees. Within the next few hours, the temperature dropped by about 10 degrees. Overnight, it fell to the low 40s; and with a nasty wind besides. Tonight will be even colder!

I\’m turning my kitchen topsy turvy as well. Last night I began another spell of cooking stuff to freeze for later. First on the list: squashed sauce! I call it that because I use it as pasta sauce, and it has squash in it; zucchini in this case. It isn\’t complicated, but the prep is time-consuming.

The upside: I used up four cans of stuff various foods from the salvage store. I need to get some of that stuff out of here. I\’m undecided as to whether I\’ll head over to the salvage store tomorrow. It will be a cold ride if I do!

I want to look for garbage bags, but I rather doubt my ability to resist buying more canned goods. I keep thinking, What if we all have to hunker down indoors for several weeks? And I keep on buying supplies.

My road bike is finally ready for me to pick up at the shop ? There wasn\’t time for me to get there after work today, so I\’ll have to get it tomorrow. To ride it home, or walk it home? That depends on how many layers I\’m wearing!