

To a T


Green tea was not to a T yesterday.

Some things suit me to a T, as the saying goes; but my attempt to use green tea and not buy a Diet Coke didn’t go well. Maybe the tea has less caffeine than the cola. Whatever it was, I still felt tired and groggy, despite a mini-cola before I left for work; and got the 20-oz soda anyway.

This has happened many a time; and as I’ve been telling myself for years, I’ve got to do better than that. I finally prodded myself into some price-checking. Two of those tea bags costs about $0.67; a 16-oz soda in most vending machines here costs $1.75! If I regularly drink the tea, and skip the soda, I save a bit over a dollar a day! Over the course of a year, that’s $300!

Another Attempt

Today I tried again; and it went better. I had a mini-Diet Coke before I left for work; but that was it for the day! I took green tea along with me; and managed to stick with it. I kept the soda bottle from yesterday, and rinsed it out. When it gets dry, I can put a penny into it to represent each soda that I did not buy out of machine!

The savings will certainly suit me to a T; but I need to find some kind of incentive. Save towards some new bicycle gadgetry? Of course I can use the money to buy groceries; or even put it towards retirement!

Wind conditions today definitely did not suit me to a T; or to any other letter, either. It was blowing strongly; and I decided to be wimpy yet again, and went to the park to ride. I also had to cut it short, because I got going some 15 minutes late.

I still don\’t have my hybrid back; so forget going to the salvage store tomorrow. In fact, I think I\’ll order groceries online. It\’s more expensive than going to the store myself, but I need quite a few things; and some items don\’t do well when carried a long way in a backpack.

This evening I finally got Internet back. That was a major relief, because I can\’t do anything without it! Sure, I can read books; but I can\’t blog; and that\’s maddening. Neither can I check the weather forecasts. This morning I had no idea what the temperature was; nor how strong the wind was.

So I had to guess; and leg warmers; vest; jacket; and full-fingered gloves proved to be a good guess. Down to the low 50s tonight. It feels like Fall!