

Through or Over?


Do you step through or over your bicycle when mounting?

The step-through design has an advantage or two. Some ladies want or need to wear a skirt while riding; and they don\’t want to have to fling a leg up into the air! A step-through frame can help prevent indecent exposure.

Slacks can be binding; and that can make mounting a bicycle with a top-tube awkward. Older people might have physical difficulty in mounting a top tube-style bicycle. A step-through reduces that problem, and helps them continue cycling!

How about the top-tube design? This has an advantage when speed is of essence, because it makes the frame a bit more rigid; and lessens \”frame-whip\”.

So, to paraphrase Hamlet, through or over? That\’s hard to say. I have both types of bicycles. My hybrid is a through; and my road bike is an over.

The road bike is much more fun to ride; but there are times when the hybrid is far more practical. That\’s when \”through\” is better!

When I \”make groceries\”, as they say around here, I might have a considerable load; and the hybrid is much better suited to carrying loads. I have a rack; and panniers; and a bike trunk. For a super-big load, I can use panniers; and rack; and trailer! Then, when I get home, my legs feel like rubber!

\”Over\” rules the day when I\’m out for a long Sunday ride. I can put my ride food in my top-tube pouch. If I ride the hybrid, I have to put my food in the trunk; and then I have to stop and dismount every time I need a bit to eat!

Overall, I think I\’ll take \”over\”!