

Thin Skin

Thin Skin

I have thin skin, I think.

This morning it was 42 degrees; and the wind was 21 mph! I couldn’t face going for a long ride in that; especially as it would have meant fighting the wind all the way back home! Late in the morning, after it had warmed up a little, I rode over to the drug store. I’m going to try fexofenadine for my stuffy head.

It was 2:00 by the time the temperature finally warmed to the high 50s; and the wind had dropped to 10 mph. I went for a short ride with the hybrid. I’m glad I got in a few miles, especially as tomorrow looks iffy for riding.

In the morning, there’s a 30% chance of showers; and by afternoon, the chances go up to 70%.  Maybe I’ll go ride in the park; and use the hybrid so I can carry my poncho in the trunk.

If I think tomorrow will be bad, Thursday night it’s expected to plummet down below freezing! The high temperature Friday won’t be much above freezing. I’m glad I don’t have to go to work Friday, because cold temperatures won’t be the only problem. It’ll be windy, too: gusts up to 35 mph! I’ve got thin skin, for sure. In such temperatures, I’m already freezing, no matter how many clothes I’ve got on; and fierce wind like that goes right through multiple layers of clothing.

If I’m to ride, I’ll have to put the road bike in the trainer. I tried putting the new hybrid in my Cycle Ops 2; but it doesn’t fit. Or did I do something wrong? I actually hope that’s the case; and that I can figure out what the problem is. I’d rather not ride outside when the chill factor is sub-freezing — ‘cuz I’ve got thin skin!