

The Thaw


We\’ve got the thaw today! At 8 am it was already 51 degrees; and by noon it was well into the 60s!

Unfortunately it still feels cold in my apartment; and as a result I was actually overdressed for my ride. On the way out I had a tailwind; and I got to feeling almost too warm.

Of course I had a headwind on the way back home; and the wind felt pretty chilly then. Now it\’s up to 20 mph, so I\’m glad I\’m not out there fighting it.

The thermal socks that I had ordered came a day or two ago; and this morning I tried them. The sure feel warm; but since the weather is much warmer today, I can\’t be sure how they\’d feel when the mercury drops to freezing.

I still might get the chance to test that; March can be very cold. On the other hand, overnight lows near 80 degrees can set in as early as March. That\’s taking the thaw a bit too far!

After this morning\’s ride, I enjoyed a recovery drink made of almond milk and protein powder. It wasn\’t long, though, before I wanted something more to eat; and my mood shifted South. I prepared a high-calorie, high carb \”Mexican\” lunch: refried beans with a little cheese on top; two corn tortillas; some guacamole; and olives.

Now I\’ve got to clean up the kitchen from lunch; wash my cycling shorts; and then get back to cooking. Oh, this never-ending cooking! But that\’s part of keeping on top of prediabetes.