

The Harder They Fall

The Harder They Fall?

The bigger they are, the harder they fall, so the saying goes. Or maybe, the warmer the days, the colder it seems when it does turn chilly.

We’re getting our first taste of real Fall. This morning it was about 59 degrees when I went out to ride; and the wind was 15 mph, with gusts up to 24 mph. I didn’t feel like struggling against that wind for miles; so I went to the park and rode around four times. Unfortunately that meant a headwind on the way home from the park!

Tonight will be even cooler; and the wind just as strong. The first few cold days are quite a challenge; and I’m inclined to turn wimpy then. It doesn’t help that our cold weather tends to arrive abruptly. One afternoon it will be in the 80s; and the next morning it’s barely 50!

On top of that, we’re likely to have crazy fluctuations in the temperature from day to day. I hear people complain about that often. They say, you never know how to dress; and they’re right.

What do you do when the weather is so capricious? One day I’ll need the electric heater; and the next day that same appliance will be a hindrance when it’s turned warm again. As a result of the crazy swings in temperature, I have all sorts of layers all over the place. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of them all; and I don’t need to lose any of them.

Oh, for a magic wand to chase away the cold, windy mornings. The colder they are, the harder they fall?