

The Fixin\’s

\"theTurkey with all the fixin\’s is the typical Thanksgiving Day dinner in the USA. But how about the fixin\’s when it comes to a bicycle\’s mechanical problems?

On any ride, there\’s always the possibility that something will go awry. It might be a flat tire; or it might be a broken spoke. It seems logical to conclude that, on multi-day events, being out riding for so long increases the likelihood that you\’ll need to make some kind of repair.

Especially for randonneuring, participants are strongly advised to learn ahead of the event to change tubes and/or patch a tube quickly and efficiently; to make adjustments to the bicycle; and so on. Randonneurs don\’t have a SAG wagon tagging along! Self-sufficiency is the name of the game; and with randonneuring, that clock ticks remorselessly on.

You might have to fix a flat, yes. Carry spare tubes or a patch kit, or both. What if a spoke breaks during a long tour, when the next stopover is far away? FiberFix can let you make a temporary repair.

I need to learn more about these things. The idea of experimenting on my bicycles worries me, though. It would be just like me to wreak havoc, resulting in an expensive repair at the bike shop!