

That Monkey

That Monkey!

Monkeys can be a nuisance!

Darn that monkey! It looks like it might throw its wrench into my Love to Ride mileage goal.

Yesterday I saw my rheumatologist; and we discussed the problems I’m having because of my left thumb. The doctor is referring me to a hand specialist; and it looks like surgery is likely. The hand has lost strength since my first visit with that particular doctor; and it looks like things are likely to continue down the same path.

Recovery from such surgery might take several months; and that’s bad news for everything, including cycling. I might be allowed to ride as long as I don’t use the front shifters; but that will drive me crazy. What a hassle that monkey is liable to cause!

Triple cranksets give a greater range of gears.

I’ll probably have to reduce mileage; and be more careful not to get caught in the rain because of whatever splint is on the hand.

So, what can I do? Set up the trainer and “ride” indoors?

I’m glad I don’t need to ride inside much. It drives me crazy.

How do I keep the tires properly inflated when the bike is hooked into the trainer? It won’t be good for those tires to have the bike just sit there for weeks.

Of course a splinted hand means everything else will be a hassle: washing my hair; cooking; and all sorts of things that I do daily; and normally take for granted. All I can do is to wait and see what comes of my visit to the hand specialist; and if we’re going to do surgery, it must wait until after June 20. I’m cat-sitting for some friends; and “scooping the box” won’t be good for a surgical site!