
Taking Chances

Taking Chances

It felt like I was taking chances today. I had to go to a doctor’s appointment a good distance away; and on the way home I decided to get Chinese food. It was hot; I was tired; and I didn’t feel like carrying a full takeout box home; so I ate in for a change.

The restaurant was perhaps half-full; but even so, I really wasn’t comfortable being in there with so many people. Of course I had to take my mask off while I ate. There were also possible exposures on the bus; and at the doctor’s office.

I sometimes feel like I’m taking chances anytime I go outdoors. The news is constantly full of reports of car-jackings; murders; and on and on. But a body’s got to get on with  everyday life; and I can’t do that if I stay indoors all day, every day.

How could I go riding? I have to go to work; and I have to get groceries. All anyone can do is to stay alert; and hope for the best. Ideally I’d have a few riding companions; but how many people want to ride at 5:00 am?

Every day I’m taking chances with the weather. As long as the forecasts include chances of T-storms, I’m a bit on edge; and I admit that I’m rather weary of hauling along rain gear day after day. A poncho is hard to fold or roll so that it’s truly compact; thus it takes up more space than I want it to. 

This morning it wasn’t raining; but there were too many clouds for me to get a good look at the moon. A brief break in the overcast let me see the moon through thin, high clouds; and that was better than nothing. But how I missed seeing the moonlight on the river!