

Sunday Morning UN-ride

\"sundayIt\’s a Sunday morning un-ride. Can you believe it? This is Sunday morning, and I\’m not out riding!

It woke up tired; sleepy; sluggish; and with a stuffed-up head. Yesterday was a bad pollen day; and maybe that explains it.

What\’s more, the forecast last night predicted winds of 17 mph. I heard the wind blowing outside, and checked the weather site again. It said the wind was 20 mph; and from the North. A North wind means a nasty headwind on the way home; and as I write this, the wind has increased to 25 mph!!

The chill factor was 47 degrees, and that isn\’t good news; my nose would have driven me crazy with its non-stop sniffles. The sky was overcast, and by 9 am it was starting to sprinkle on and off. I know, it wouldn\’t kill me to ride in the rain; but it isn\’t fun. It\’s especially unpleasant when the sky opens up and I still have miles to go before I get home.

They expect the rain to end early this afternoon; and maybe I can go for a short ride then. I intended to make today\’s ride a rather short one, anyway. The wind might be a little less by then, too.

I hope April doesn\’t turn out to be a rainy month. That would make the Love to Ride challenge more a slog than a challenge. Incidentally, with a Love to Ride challenge imminent, I hope the Sunday morning un-ride doesn\’t become a habit.