

Stop the Presses


Stop the presses! I’ve got great news: it rained today!

Overnight we got just enough of a sprinkling to settle the dust. I could see dry patches beneath parked cars; but the ground was wet enough for my road bike to get splattered. As the morning went on, the clouds gathered; and when I went outdoors at about 11:20 am, it was raining.

We know it’s been dry, indeed, when rain is big news. It didn’t rain for very long; and by the time I left work it was clear and sunny.

Too sunny, in fact. This time of year, that star of ours blinds me as I’m riding home from work. Sunglasses don’t help in such a situation; and then I wish it were cloudy!

Let’s see, now. Have I got any other “stop the presses” items to report? I can’t think of any; and I’m not sure I want my days to be full of earth-shattering events. That’s too much excitement for me! It’s the same old thing: go for a spin on the road bike; ride the hybrid to work; come home and work on blogs.

I had thought of going to the park to ride this morning; and the decision was made for me when a long freight train beat me to the crossing. I didn’t want to wait for it; so I took an alternate route to the park. There was time to ride only 10.4 miles, because I had to be sure to leave enough time to go feed my friends’ cat. 

Down to 55 degrees tonight; and a North wind of 10 mph. I’ll need to layer up tomorrow morning! Fifty-five degrees might not sound cold; but it’s a big change from 80 degrees! The wind will make it seem colder, too. At least it won’t be snowing. That would really stop the presses!