


\"stereotypesStereotypes abound in this world. Such-and-such are \”always\” thus-and-so.

If you aren\’t a cyclist, do cyclists bug you? Do they all seem to have been cut from the same cloth? To this list, I can add a thing or two:

Cyclists who ride in the dark sans illumination, even when it\’s foggy or raining as well as dark. I feel like bawling at them to  GET! SOME! LIGHTS!! In fact, such riders/joggers are what provoked me to move up to a 500-lumen headlight. And to put it atop my helmet as well. I can see much better that way.

Cyclists who ignore stop signs and red lights aggravate me, too. Once I saw two grown men on bicycles almost get hit by a car because they had run a stop sign. One of those riders even banged his fit on the car\’s hood. What was he mad about? HE ran the stop sign!

How about pro cyclists? Aside from the lean, hard, tanned pro-cyclist bodies that we\’re used to seeing in the Tour de France, are there other stereotypical things about pros?

Can bicycles even be polarizing? I\’m not one of the very poor, thank goodness, but I\’m far from being among the well-off; never mind the VERY rich.

Want to think I\’m dirt poor when I\’m riding the hybrid? Or rich, when I\’m on the road bike? I don\’t know what we can do to erase such stereotypes, except to keep riding; and show that cycling is for everyone.