I got steamed today! Big Boy came into town Friday evening; and departed from the Fly this morning. I wasn\’t able to see it Friday, although I heard that steam whistle (it\’s LOUD!).
The moon is at the full, and of course I wanted to see it. In fact, this is the first time in several months that my moon view hasn\’t been thwarted by cloudy skies! So I did a very short ride to see the moonlight on the river; came home for a bit to get my Camel-Bak and ride food; and went out again.
The forecast predicted another heat advisory for today; and I decided to make my ride rather short. I wound up making it even shorter than I intended, because I wanted to see that train. Something in me still hasn\’t grown up!
I could have done some more miles, because the train was late in departing. It was supposed to leave at 8:00 am; and it was more like 30-40 minutes later when Big Boy at last got moving. But I rode out six miles or so; turned around; and rode to the Fly.
Here is where I did a bit of cheating. I walked my bicycle alongside the parked train, because I\’m not at all confident of my ability to ride on a grassy surface; and I left the Garmin on. I finally turned it off, because I forgot to charge it up Friday night; and I knew it was running low.
I admit I was a bit steamed about having to stand around so long while I waited for Big Boy to start. The sun was already getting hot; and I was getting hungry. I don\’t know what the delay was. Some of us bystanders were joking that Big Boy must have spent last night in the French Quarter.
When the train finally came past, I (and a mob of other cyclists) rode alongside of it. We were escorts to a bit of history! I would have loved to see the train going over the Huey P., but I had no idea how long it might take the train to get there; and besides that I needed a bathroom break. Hence I decided to go home.
Back to my pre-Fly ride. I made several 5-minute efforts at pushing for 15 mph or more; and couldn\’t complete the third one. My legs were really feeling it; and my heart rate had edged into the max. I noticed that eating at that effort level is definitely harder! The food tended to stick in my throat. Or was it because of the Clif Builders Bar texture?
It\’s 10:15 am, and already 89 degrees. If I were still out there, I\’d really be getting steamed!