Splits are nice when they\’re banana splits. I\’d love to have one, if only I didn\’t have prediabetes.
There are splits within the world of gymnastics, or ballet. Time was when I could do a split; but now I can\’t. Cycling has tightened up my hamstrings. Maybe my age is catching up with me, too.?
With the cold weather come nasty splits at the corners of my fingernails; and they aren\’t fun at all. They\’re ugly; sometimes they even bleed; and they hurt because it\’s so hard to keep from bumping them. They also wreak havoc with fingertip sensitivity; and the fact that I so often can\’t keep my hands out of water (food prep, dishwashing, etc.) doesn\’t help.
For years now I\’ve been making my own hand cream using grape seed oil, jojoba oil, and beeswax. The formula comes from Better Basics for the Home. I like it better than any commercially available hand lotion that I\’ve tried. Unfortunately I still get those mini-wounds.
Maybe I\’ll try something else, such as Neutrogena. My sister-in-law says she really likes it. Skin care is important when you do a lot of outdoor activity; especially in cold weather.
We sure got a lot of that last week; and today it got up to 68 degrees! Back down to 43 tonight; get out those leg warmers for tomorrow morning\’s ride! But bring along shorts to change into for the ride home from work: high of 70 degrees! Which season is this, anyway? Does our weather have a split personality?