

Soggy Ride

Soggy Ride

A soggy ride or no ride was the choice this morning.

At 8:00 am it was gray and drizzly. According to the forecast, it was going to rain all day. The temperature was 53 degrees. To be honest, I really did not want to go riding in such conditions. But lately I simply have not been getting enough riding; so I prodded myself to get ready to go.

I filled my Camel-Bak. I pulled on leg warmers; and put on four layers “up above”. With the rain, I figured I’d need them. I donned the skull cap.

Once outdoors and riding, I quickly wished I had two layers on my legs; not one. Naturally there were puddles to ride through; and it wasn’t long before my feet were wet and cold. I doubt that double socks would have helped. Despite my having FOUR layers on my upper body, I was soon damp and cold.

Pedaling at a higher intensity might have warmed me up a little. The question is whether I could have maintained that intensity for more than a short while. If not, I would soon have been just as cold again; and possibly colder.

I had thought of going about 9.5 miles from home before returning. Thanks to my feeling chilled, I turned around at about 6.3 miles. I’m glad that at least the wind wasn’t bad today, or it would have felt even more frigid!

I got home wet; but at least I did get in some miles. That’s something to feel good about, even though it was a soggy ride.