



Today’s long ride sure felt like a slog. Not that I was struggling through mud; but much of the time, it felt like the wind was against me. That was both going out and coming back home!

Per the forecast, the wind was going to be 2-3 mph; but  it felt stronger than that! I checked the NOAA site when I got home; and it said the wind was 6-7 mph. Because of the breeze, I spent nearly  all of today’s ride on the small ring.

When I started my ride, I immediately noticed that it was warmer than I expected. The forecast predicted 73 degrees; and I though I might be a little too cool without leg warmers. I decided that, even if I began my ride a bit cool, it would warm up; and I left the leg warmers at home.

It was a good thing I did! I wore long sleeves and my vest; and before I completed my ride I was almost too hot! I started the ride with a lightweight helmet liner; and had to take it off.

Despite my feeling rather tired, I pushed for 40 miles. I did quite a lot of rapid pedaling in a fairly easy gear; and surprised myself my averaging 12.41 mph. Whatever my pace, I wanted to get in the miles for Love to Ride; and the closer I get to my goal, the more eager I am to rack up some more miles. Yes, it sometimes feels like a slog; but even when it does, I need the exercise!