

Sleigh Ride?

Sleigh Ride

Can a sleigh ride also be a bicycle ride? Maybe, if you could find a rider strong enough to pedal a pedicab, equipped with special tires, hitched to said sleigh.

The trouble with such an arrangement is this. The only one getting the bike ride, and the exercise, would be the person on the pedicab.

I’m not sure I’d like to be either the pedicab rider or the passenger. If the former, I’d be at risk of  overexertion and overheating. I would have to remove layers of clothing; then be ready to put them back on in a hurry as soon as I stopped pedaling. If I were the passenger, I’d get too cold from just sitting there; and the motion of the sleigh would add wind chill.

It’s fun to imagine a sleigh ride through the snowy fields, though. And under a full moon! How about a troika? If your fancy doesn’t tend towards the three horse open sleigh,  I suppose that Leroy Anderson had the one horse open sleigh in mind?

Here’s another idea. How about a full team of pedicab pedalers to pull the sleigh? Sort of like a dog team during the gold rush in the Yukon. Or one pedicab rider per sled, and see who can get from Point A to Point B the fastest? Maybe they could add that to the Winter Olympics?

However you do it, enjoy the ride, and finish up with some scrumptious hot chocolate!