



Sightings need not rely on binoculars. I can make plenty of them without field glasses.

I love full-moon sightings. Yesterday\’s, the Paschal moon, was rather poor. It was overcast, and as a result the moon looked hazy. In fact, I guess I was lucky to see it at all!

I rode early, at 5:30 am; and kept it short. The forecast said that T-storms were possible from mid-morning onwards; and I didn\’t want to get caught out in bad weather when I was miles from home. I didn\’t know just how cloudy it was until I was nearly back home, and it was growing light.

The river is rising quite rapidly; and yesterday I got my first gator-eye sighting of the year. No doubt I\’ll see more and more of them as the weather gets warmer. As long as those gators stay in the water, I\’m OK with them.

The weather was one argument for riding early and short; and another was making a trek to the drug store to get toilet paper. I saw the news article about the container ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal, and they say it\’s blocking the entire waterway. The title of the article mentioned that this blockage was likely to cause shortages of many things, including that notorious bathroom tissue.

I was close to having to break into my emergency reserve, so I wanted to replenish my supply in any case. I got lucky: there wasn\’t a whole lot of it on the shelves, but I found what I needed. It\’s déjà vu: remember the run on toilet paper when the pandemic first broke out?

The weather got much cooler overnight; and it was mostly cloudy early today. Not much good for moon sightings!