

She\’s Back!


Yes, she\’s back! I finally have my hybrid again. I\’m delighted, because it was hard not having it. All week, every time I thought of doing a quick errand, I remembered: Oh, I can\’t. I don\’t have the hybrid. Of course I have my road bike, but it\’s not well-suited to shopping runs. I know, because I tried it.

I work from home all day Thursday and Friday; and I happily rode to Whole Foods yesterday morning to shop during the special Seniors hour from 7:00-8:00 am. I didn\’t want to get many things, and made it back home before my 8 am clock-in time.

This morning I rode the hybrid to the salvage store, and was gladder than ever that she\’s back; because this time I focused on canned goods. I weighed the load that I brought home: 25-26 pounds! Too much to lug home in my arms, even a short distance.

And today I was lucky! I found the large-size (14.75 oz) cans of salmon again; $2.97 per can. I got four of them. When future SamMac cravings hook me, I have the salmon on hand. I also got tuna fish, refried beans, and some canned veggies. I skipped frozen foods, because my freezer is already full.

After I finished running errands, I got busy and made tabouli. I bet it will be good over a bed of that bagged salad that I brought home! I\’ll put some red onion and orange bell pepper on top. Olives, too!

It was raining this morning when I rode to the store. Otherwise, the weather is looking better. The tropics are quiet for change. That\’s a huge relief. The forecast for tomorrow is \”mostly sunny\”; and not much wind; and the high a relatively cool 85 degrees. That\’s great for riding!