You scratch my back, and I\’ll scratch yours; although I don\’t think I\’d want this cat to do it!
I heard the expression used in a YouTube about the Tour de France that I watched a few days ago. I don\’t remember the video\’s title, and I can\’t find it now; but it had to do with riders helping each other — such as giving a team mate a wheel when necessary. I understand that a wheel donation is a no-no when the two riders are on different teams; or have I gotten that mixed up?
Cyclists out on casual rides tend to look out for each other, too; even it\’s only to call out, \”You OK?\” when they see another rider stopped on the side of the path. That\’s the good old \”you scratch my back, and I\’ll scratch yours\”.
But it\’s a good thing that the other rider typically is all right. I fear I\’d be useless for helping with a flat tire because of tendonitis in my thumb. Even without the tendonitis, I\’m all thumbs at changing tubes; which is why I use tire liners. If it\’s a GU-Gel the rider needs, I can usually spare one.
Oh, My Back!
Speaking of backs: maybe it\’s the heat and humidity; but there\’s a spot in my back that\’s driving me crazy. It itches; and of course it\’s hard to reach.
If I rode for hours every day, wearing that loaded Camel-Bak, I could understand it. If I walked to work everyday, wearing a heavy backpack, I could understand it. Any kind of backpack keeps perspiration from evaporating; and all that wetness trapped against skin can lead to irritation.
But I don\’t do either of those things. Most days I ride to work, and I don\’t wear a backpack for that. Whatever it is, I need somebody to scratch my back!