
Saint Gone Wild?


Had the good saint gone wild yesterday?

It was Saint Patrick\’s Day; and some nasty weather moved into the Southeast region. It was windy all day; and by 2:40 pm we were under tornado watch. Some states, such as Alabama, had already reported twisters.

When I left work at 4:30 pm, the wind was 18mph; gusts were up to 35 mph; and we were under a wind advisory. I was glad that I left the bicycle at home!

From my work station, I can see out of the windows if I just turn around; and from mid-day onwards I was keeping an anxious eye on the sky. I had an errand I needed to run before going home; and that heightened my uneasiness. The \”saint gone wild\” wasn\’t expected to hit until about 8 pm; but you never know with these things. Suppose it began storming several hours earlier?

I had my poncho with me; but fortunately didn\’t need to use it. Come to think of it, a poncho isn\’t much help in a wind like that; and an umbrella is useless.

I reached home about 5 pm; and fixed some supper. I tried a new salad: avocado mashed with lemon juice; and mixed with chopped raw cabbage. Then I settled down to wait and see how crazy the weather was going to get.

As it turned out, we didn\’t get much bad weather. Today, as of 4:45 am, the wind is still 15 mph; but I\’d be getting ready to ride anyhow if it weren\’t for the fact that I feel weird. I keep getting lightheaded. Reaction to yesterday\’s \”jab\”, I suppose😕. Lightheadedness doesn\’t mix well with two whees, so I think I\’d better skip the ride. Geez, has my body gone wild?