Here comes Round Two of bad weather. It\’s not a very good time to pump up those tires and roll. Marco amounted to little or nothing in my neck of the woods. We aren\’t exactly home free, though.
Hurricane Laura is expected go go ashore tonight or early tomorrow. We won\’t get the full brunt of it, but we\’re under a wind advisory until tomorrow evening; and heavy rain is expected.
Am I cowardly for not feeling like going out to ride in 1) heavy rain; and 2) a wind of 20-25 mph? I got very little riding this morning, so there\’s one day lost already.
I had decided to go ride in the park, in case the weather turned nasty. Halfway there, I remembered that I hadn\’t picked up a mask before leaving home. I decided to go to the park; ride around once; and go back home.
I think the lack of activity is why I got so antsy today. In addition, Wednesday is one of the days when I work on-site. It takes a third of my lunch hour to get back home (if I walk); and by the third consecutive day of that, I\’m feeling the strain.?
The stress might be why I got such a hankering after ice cream. I resisted for several hours; but after I clocked out, I rode to the drug store to get some of the sweet stuff. I was extravagant and bought two boxes of Talenti®. Round two of storms; round two of gelato!
I\’m trying to be good and save it for tomorrow and the next day. Maybe even into Saturday! Think of it as a hurricane party! But let\’s hope there won\’t be a power outage.