I was riding dry, you might say, when I was using my sister\’s exercise bike. I sure missed Chamois Butt\’r!
It\’s amazing what a difference Chamois Butt\’r makes; and when I don\’t have it, \”riding dry\” takes on a new meaning. If I have to choose between no Chamois Butt\’r and no water, however, \”CB\” has to go. Irritated skin is preferable to collapsing from dehydration any day.
I get thirsty faster on a real bicycle than I did on the exercise bike. I suppose several factors are involved: I\’m probably working harder; and I\’m breathing through my mouth much more. I also am outdoors, and in the sunshine; and I\’m working against the wind. It\’s very different from pedaling indoors; but all the same, I prefer riding outdoors.
I can tell that I\’m not ready for a 50-mile ride on Sunday. Just now, 12-14 miles seems pretty hard! Maybe I\’ll shoot for 25 miles; but the century that I was hoping to do must wait until I can work my way back into condition.
The temperature was about 67 when I went out at 9 am. I decided I could do without leg warmers; but for a pre-dawn ride, I would have wanted them. I might have wanted full-fingered gloves and a skull cap as well!
The forecast for Sunday says, a low temperature of 64; and a high of 84. Wind 5-10 mph; and from the NE, wouldn\’t you know. That means I\’ll have a headwind on the way home; and working against the wind means I\’ll need more water. I better not try to do without the Camel-Bak! Otherwise I\’ll be riding dry.