

Ride to Write


Sometimes it seems that I ride to write. Being out on the bicycle can give me blog ideas; and that\’s a good thing. Coming up with blog topics isn\’t always easy; and I need to get ideas from somewhere.

One day I\’ll blog about my force intervals; and the next I\’ll write about something unusual that I saw. There was the time that I saw some roseate spoonbills; and it was the first time I saw any outside of a zoo. It made me look twice, I can tell you! It\’s always exciting to spot a bald eagle; and now and then I see a bluebird.

The full moon over the river has gotten mention a number of times; and of course I\’m always griping about headwinds!

In fact, today I\’m grumbling about headwinds. The forecast I checked last night said, winds SE at 4 mph. That\’s not bad at all; and I wanted to take it at leisurely pace today. On the way home, I thought the wind felt quite strong; and indeed, it was no 4 mph! I l checked the NOAA site after my ride. The wind was 8-10 mph; and has strengthened a bit since I got home.

Nothing to Report

There was really nothing to report today: no sightings of eagles or roseate spoonbills; and wind is pretty much a given. I ride to write? It didn\’t seem like it this morning.

As a rule, I ride short and easy the day after I do force work; but today I made an exception. While I tried to keep my pace easy, I rode 19 miles. It was compensation for the fact that I won\’t be out on the road bike for the next two days.

Tomorrow I want to visit Walmart; although not for any Black Friday deals. We don\’t go for expensive Christmas gifts in my family. Then on Saturday, I want to hit the salvage store. I use the hybrid for such errands.

I hope I come up with blog material during those trips. That\’s what ride to write is about; and of course I hope the weather is cooperative!