


resurgam rise river jaws cajun gator


I shall rise again, said Old Man River; and proceeded to rise.

During the past week or so, I thought it looked like the river was rising; and now I know that it is. This morning I spotted my first gator eyes of the season; and I expect I’ll see more of them before long. I hope those eyes, and their owners, stay in the water; and away from the path! They probably will; but it doesn’t hurt to be careful around alligators.

Yesterday it got very warm for March; and in the evening, bad weather pushed through. Those poor folks in Saint Bernard Parish got clobbered yet again. It’s a case of “resurgam”, even if they don’t have that particular word in mind. They’re quite resilient; and I wish them the best.

In my immediate area, we didn’t even lose power; although the lights flickered a bit. It was probably right then that the tornadoes were passing through. I got an email with a weather statement about the tornado warning; and didn’t see it until the warning had expired! It came through right when I had left the laptop to fix today’s lunch; wash dishes; and wash the morning’s cycling shorts.

Overnight it got cooler; and, thank goodness, the wind diminished considerably. It had felt like May for a while; and now it feels more like March again.

I won’t mind when it’s warm enough for half-finger gloves; and then I can finally wash the full-finger gloves.

I use these medium-weight gloves when it’s in the 50s

I need at least one more pair of them, so I can wash one pair and use another while the first pair dries.

It’s going to be chilly tomorrow morning; and I’ll need hand warmers. I’ll see how the river’s doing, too. I hope it doesn’t resurgam too much!